I'm doing alright still. I lost 1.5 lbs this week. I had to weigh in early because the WW center will be closed Wednesday. It was my usual ladies doing the weigh ins yesterday though. I was happy to hear that they will be open next Wednesday so I can get back to my usual early morning Wednesday weigh in. I had to weigh in at lunch last week.... I had stayed the same. It will be interesting to get back to my normal time so I can see what I have really lost. I'm several pounds heavier at the end of the day than the beginning, like most people.
Last week we went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra in Jackson. They put on an awesome show. If they come near you, and you can get tickets, it's well worth the money!!!
With the third week of new WW material, I still like the Momentum program. However, I have yet to spend more than two days REALLY following it! Figures, huh??? I'm going to though! I do like the new weigh-in book though. And it is a BOOK! There is a pocket in the front for your daily tracker, an A-Z food list, then a section about goal setting. Then it has 56 weeks of weigh-ins. And your points finder is attached to the back. It's really cool! And there are 10 weeks of new material covering the plan.
So far I'm enjoying my Christmas break. I managed to get all of my Christmas presents early, and got them wrapped without having to buy any Chrsitmas paper. Of ocurse, then we were given my Mother-in-Law's new laptop, Christmas from the FIL, to get updated, install software, etc. So now I have to wrap it. I was talking about going to buy another thing of Christmas paper since I'm out, but I really think I might just use some of the wrapping paper that was left with the apartment when we moved in. I don't really like it, but that will keep me from having to go out for some.
The hubby is off work for the rest of this week. We'll be doing Christmas with his parents tomorrow, then head out to visit my parents a few days. I'm looking forward to spending some time with my parents since we don't see them often. Momma will probably also help me take up all my pants that will probably be too long!
I got my hair cut this past Saturday. It had grown out way past what my last hair style was really designed for. But, five months will do that! It's simple now. Falls to my shoulders with some long layers. I'm planning to put some purple streaks in it over the Christmas break. I'm thinking some in the bottom layer, and then some on the top. But we'll see what I actually do next week! I'll be sure to post a picture...
Well, I think I'll catch up on a couple of blogs and then try and get some actual work done today... Merry Christmas y'all!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Quickie Update
Posted by Cory at 9:27 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Moving Forward with the PLAN...
Last night was all about the shopping...
1st stop: Lane Bryant. Our local store didn't carry the pants I had ordered online. So I guess I'll try to return them on the coast this weekend... Or just wait until after Christmas when I see if anything else needs to be returned.
2nd stop: The Calendar booth in the mall. I had to get a wall calendar for the 2009 fitness plan. And I did. Although I wasn't too happy with their selection.
This is my wall calendar. I think it might be a little motivating picture wise...
I also picked out a daily calendar for my desk at work and mentioned it to Josh. I'm trying to give him enough ideas that I won't actually know what I'll be getting!
3rd Stop: Books-A-Million. I picked up some books to read in the coming weeks. Like I didn't have enough already...
4th stop: Dollar Tree. Didn't need anything there but a big gift sack and tissue paper. Now I have my portion of the Staff Council Fire Family gift wrapped. I'll have to drop it off tomorrow...
5th stop: Sams Club. We picked up Wanted. Awesome movie if you haven't seen it. Also got another bottle of Flintstones and some blank DVDs.
6th stop: Wal-Mart. Needed a few various odds and ends here, but didn't manage to find everything. Leads to...
7th stop: Wal-Mart. Yes, we visited two Wal-Marts last night, only to still be missing an item or two from our shopping list...
Anyway, I had a slightly boring night of it. But the shopping is mostly done. Now I just have to start with the wrapping of Christmas presents and straightening up the living room. That way I'll have room to exercise at home over the holidays!!!
Posted by Cory at 9:43 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 08, 2008
Feeling Good About Myself...
I'm currently 210 lbs, yes that's more than at the beginning of January. But I'm actually feeling ok about this. Sure, it's not a great thing thing, but there is a positive in all this.
I can actually fit in some size 18 pants. Sure, some are still 20s...but, my MIL bought a pair of 18s for me, and the 20s I ordered online are TOO BIG! I'm going to try and hit the mall and see if I can exchange them at the local Lane Bryant instead of sending them in. So, even if I am up for the year, apparently I'm a little tinier.
For me, it's not all about the number on the scale. My journey is about me feeling good about myself. I currently don't, to be honest. I feel kinda icky most of the time. But trying on a pair of pants and finding out they are WAY too big is a major boost to my self-esteem. Using the number on the scale is just the easiest and quickest way to track my progress on a regular basis.
Weight Watchers appears to be releasing the material on their new program this week. So, I'm excited to say that I will be officially starting over on all my tracking this Wednesday. I've been trying to make smart decisions lately, but not pushing myself on tracking and such. I'm going to use a wall calendar to track things like taking my pills (can't forget the Prozac and birth control!), taking vitamins, exercising, etc. And, of course, changing the contacts. I could track that stuff here or at SparkPeople, but it doesn't seem to really work as a daily basis thing for me. At least with the wall calendar I will see it on my way to bed and hoping go "OH! I forgot X! Have to do that before I can go to bed!" I'm sure this won't be perfect, but it's a good start. I'm going to by some cute stickers to use and have a legend for what the stickers mean. Of course, I probably won't start the sticker thing until January. I got an Avon calendar today, but I think I might buy some cute motivating calendar to hang up.
Well, I hope that everyone had a good weekend (at least, the people for whom I haven't seen blog entries about it!) and everyone have a great week! I have my last final (economics!) tomorrow evening, so we know where some of my evening SHOULD be spent!
Posted by Cory at 4:32 PM 1 comments
The Party...
So, I went to my neice's 4th birthday party this year. I was excited to go because I've never made it to her party before. With her party always being a week after Thanksgiving, and 3.5 hour drive, I just can't afford to go for both Thanksgiving AND her birthday.
The theme was dalmations and Jackie went out of her way to make sure it was awesome. There were dalmation sack puppets for the kids to glue dots on, cupcakes with dalamations, bone cookies, and a bowl of dog food. There were even bags of doggie treats to take home! Ashleigh got tons of stuff, and loved all of it. I even helped Jackie put together one (she got two or three) baby doll strollers and the doll house before Josh and I headed home. She also got a Leapster, which was apparently a big hit.
Josh and I even ate at Logan's on our way home. And found a cell phone in their parking lot that we managed to return to its owner.
Of course, all that was Saturday. A day trip up there is a little tiring, so we didn't actually do anything on Sunday.
Friday night was Josh's work Christmas dinner, at one of our local steak houses. It was a fun evening, even if we were the youngest people there by far!!! I even had a new shirt to wear because my Lane Bryant order had been delivered Friday. That had me feeling good about myself because I didn't have a clue what to wear. I went casual in a long-sleeved t-shirt. I wasn't feeling great about wearing anything in the closet, but that new shirt had me feeling all confident in my appearance!!! It's amazing what new clothes will do for you, huh?
Posted by Cory at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 05, 2008
New Contest at Roni's Blog
I entered the Mary Lou's Weigh Platform Giveaway!
Check out Roni’s Weight Loss Blog for more information.
Posted by Cory at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
It's been a while....
Sorry it's been so long since my last update! It's just been one of those years for me.
My weight has not went well this year, mostly because my exercise has been minimal. But that's ok. I'm not worrying about it. I have managed to lose a tiny bit inch wise. I'm only aware of this because I have bought a couple of pair of pants in 18s. However, it's still mostly a 20 for bottoms, 14/16 for tops. And I'm ok with that.
I know I'll get back on the ball next year, although that's not saying I'm going to just let go for the month of December. It's just me admitting I probably won't go full out on a lot of things. I am going to start tightening up though. And after I get back from my Christmas visit with my parents I'll really be working it.
I have a full two weeks off at Christmas this year. I hope to get some work done in my apartment during that time, but it usually doesn't work out that well. We'll see what happens though...
This semester of school should finish decently. I have finished all my work for my MIS class, and should pull off a B unless I did much worse than expected on the test yesterday. And my Economics final is next Tuesday. I should pull off a B in that class as well without too much trouble. I'll just have to remember to study this weekend!
My husband is getting an XBox 360 for Christmas, from his parents. He's happy because he can pick up some of the games he's been wanting. I'll probably be getting something for the DS myself. Right now I'm hooked on Luminoius Arc 2. It's a somewhat addicting game!
Hmm....I can't think of anything else right now. Guess I'll see about getting something done at work!
Posted by Cory at 8:31 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 03, 2008
Ok, I'm being a bad blogger again. I finally managed to get caught up at work though! Maybe it will stay this way...
I have read everyone's blogs, I just haven't had time to comment...
I lost 1 lb. this week, so I guess I'll go update my trackers.
Y'all have a great weekend!
Posted by Cory at 2:51 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Weigh In Results
Up .5 this week. But pleased nonetheless. It could have been a lot worse!
Posted by Cory at 4:35 PM 2 comments
Quickie Update
This past week has kinda sucked. My coworker is still out, and I'm getting a little crazy at work. Things are NOT calming down as they should. Probably has something to do with our record enrollment this Fall.
I have barely tracked at all. But I think I might show a tiny loss today.
School sucks, as usual.
I'll be back with my weigh in after lunch!
Posted by Cory at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I did my tracking all week and lost 1.5 pounds. I did not really follow the program all that well, but I was much more conscious of snacking and controlled that rather well I think.
I've donated plasma twice, and that went fairly well.
Can't really think of anything esle right now. Life is going along, but there's not really anything abnormal.
Posted by Cory at 3:17 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
So, the university I work for just started a sustainability program this summer. We're doing a great recycling program that is going to save the University a lot of money. Anything paper, and plastics 1 and 2 go into one can in the office. It's fantastic and going well so far. We have one of the largest, if not THE largest, university recycling programs in the country. I'm really proud of what this office is doing for us.
One of the things the Office of Sustainability decided to do, was create a group of like-minded individuals on campus that could serve as an outreach group to the University at large. We'll have monthly meetings where we'll be educated on different aspects of sustainability, and then we'll be able to answer questions from people around campus.
I love to get involved with different programs on campus. Most of my life revolves around this place in one way or another. So I enjoy getting more involved in the campus community and actually meeting people I deal with face-to-face instead of just through phone or e-mail communications.
Anyway, just wanted to share a little about the program.
Posted by Cory at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Starting over
Well, when yesterday's weigh in went so well, I decided to start over in my WW stuff. I've done well on my tracking so far. I went 7 points over and only earned 1 activity point. But considering I made the decision to track and do all that in the middle of the day, I think it was fine. That's what flex points are for anyway! :)
I'm doing much better today. I've gotten hungry now, but I have a lower point supper planned, and fruit at home to snack on since I'm hungry now. I have 9 points left for the day, and I've earned 2 points. It will be 3 by the time I get home.
Today at work has been pretty good. My coworker that had surgery is doing good as well.
I found a recipe on SparkPeople's recipe site for supper. It's Cube Steak, cooked in tomato sauce and diced tomatoes. We had picked up a pack of cube steak last week at the grocery market. We like to hit the 5 for $20 bin and just pick whatever actually looks good. 5 is about all we have room for any way. I don't have everything for this particular receipe, but I can make some changes for what I do have at home, and I think it will be pretty good anyway. I was mostly looking for a starting place anyhow...
Posted by Cory at 4:35 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
WOW, Two posts in a DAY!
Ok, I went to weigh in at lunch. I got to weigh in witht he newbie worker, which as just fine. I generally weigh with the older lady that works there. She was actually the reason I quit attending meetings, but she's grown on me. Anyway, considering I was going at lunch instead of the morning, I was already planning out my rationalization arguement for a gain. Or, if it was a big one, part of the gain. I really expected to have gained 2 pounds. I had actually lost .5!!!! So, naturally I had a not good for me lunch from KFC. I didn't have anything to eat at home since I'm doing my shopping tonight!
Then, I get back to the office and have this incredibly rude e-mail from some student who can't figure out how to "Press 4 for a technician" and wait. Instead she presses EVERY OTHER OPTION and listens to the recordings until she's spent over $5 in long distance charges. And had the nerve to yell at us via e-mail. THEN, we she gets the automated reply to her message to us, she e-mails back complaining about how the messages says the person can always call us if it is a critical problem!!!
Oh well. I'm getting over it now. I answered her question, I hope. If she had sent us her phone number, I would have called her back! But she's not that smart apparently!
Ok. I'm over my grouching. Almost every student I've dealt with this fall has been extremely nice and understanding. So it's no surprise that the angry ones are pretty rough. At least it was an easier morning today than yesterday!!!
Posted by Cory at 1:03 PM 3 comments
One of my favorite authors, Colleen Gleason, is part of a fundraiser for CF. She is also doing a promotion this week, so check out her blog and give her some encouragment!
Things are going alright for me personally. Yesterday at work was pretty tough, but today hasn't been nearly as bad. With my coworker out I've decided to do my Weight Watcher weigh in at lunch until she is back. My center doesn't open until 7:45, and they have been pretty busy the past couple of Wednesday mornings. While I've been known many times to weigh in and get to work before 8, I don't want to risk it with only two people working in the mornings. I really hate weigh in at lunch (messes up my weight!!) but that's ok. It's the long run I'm worried about anyway.
I'm doing good in my classes so far, although I've really got to start working on my Economoics studying. Since I'm not attending the lectures for the next bit (until AFTER the first test!) I really need to be reading and doing problems. But it's boring and I don't want to! LOL
Well, I just wanted to give y'all an update. I think I've read everyone's blogs now, with the exception of a couple of new posts. I didn't leave comments everywhere, but I am reading again. I'm also slowly getting active on SparkPeople again. It's great to be catching on everyone's lives again. I certainly missed A LOT!
Posted by Cory at 8:59 AM 1 comments
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Just the Weekend
I've had a fairly easy weekend so far, and somewhat beneficial.
We stayed in last night. I read a book for a little while and did nothing else.
This morning, I stayed home while Josh went to help his parents with some yard work. I did some simple chores around the house and a little studying, although I will have to hit that harder tomorrow. We bought a Clorox ready-mop a few weeks ago, and let me say that it makes mopping a more pleasant task. We only have three small pieces of non-carpet in the apartment, so mopping was always a weird task before.
Josh's parents decided to come into town and take us to eat and to a movie tonight. We went to see Bangkok Dangerous. It was a good movie, although the others weren't pleased with the ending. While I wish it had ended differently, I wasn't really surprised. Or THAT disappointed. It kinda made sense to me.
Also, between eating and movie time we went shopping. I went window-shopping at the local mall with my MIL, something I generally don't do. She's a few sizes smaller than me, so we don't shop the same sections of the store. After a while she decided to take me to Lane Bryant and look for something in my size. I lucked out. She bought me two pair of pants and two tops from the clearance rack! I'll have to take some new pictures pretty soon and post for everyone. I'll do that in one of my new outfits! Also, since I got my hair cut off back in July I haven't taken a decent picture.
Well, I hope that everyone is having a good September so far, and I'm slowly working through my blog list to catch up. Hopefully I'll be able to get that done in a reasonable amount of time!
Posted by Cory at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Weigh In
Well, I had lost 1.5 lbs when I weighed in this morning. That put me back to a .5 lb loss for the year. I have 4 months to lose the 21.5 to my goal for the year, so I had better get started! :)
Today hasn't been too bad considering it was a storm weekend. And I got a new book in the mail today. Dark Curse by Christine Feehan. I've been waiting for this one for a while, and can't wait to get started tonight.
I have my Economics class this afternoon. Hopefully I will be able to stay conscious. I stayed up too late last night! And probably will tonight too since I got this book.
Anyway, I just wanted to update everything here with my latest weight. I think this will help me recommit to my goal for the year. Hope everyone is having a good week!
Posted by Cory at 3:08 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 01, 2008
Well, maybe I'm back. Summer ended up being a little tough at times. And Fall looks like it might be tough, but it's hard to say.
Right now I'm riding out Hurricane Gustav. We certianly haven't gotten hit HARD, but we've had lots of wind, some rain, and a couple of tornado warnings in my area. I haven't had any loss of power, and don't expect to at this point, even if we aren't out of the woods yet. I have seen a few flickers on the cable tv, but I think those were network problems instead of the local cable. Especially since the cable internet hasn't given me any problems.
The University officials decided yesterday not to open for business tomorrow. So I get an extra day off. I'm thrilled by that day off too! I'm nost sure what I will do with it. I should probably do some housework and study. But we'll just have to see how tomorrow goes. I may run into the office for a little bit just to make sure everything is good there. But they expect it to still be a little windy and rainy, so I may not.
On the weight loss front, I'm currently a couple of pounds up for the year. But I'm saying I'm holding steady for the year. I really have to get my butt in gear on that. I've started lossing some of my fitness level. Which is much more important to me than the number the scale says. I'll have to get back to doing more than walking to work and home. I just have to decide what type of program I'm going to do. I might work on that tomorrow.
I have read a few good books since I last posted. I'll have to post some reviews in the near future. Maybe that will get me back in the habit of posting here. Sorry to have run off on everyone! Hope y'all have been haivng a good year (I've been slacking on reading too!) and I'm going to try and get back in the habit of posting at least a couple of times a week.
For those who might be in Gustav's path, or Hanna's, stay safe!
Posted by Cory at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Weekend Review
So, I had a pretty awesome weekend, with a couple of minor obstacles.
Friday at work wasn't too bad. Then I went home and read some while my husband took a nap. Then we went out to eat and went shopping. We didn't get home until nearly 10, and I cooked and did housework for close to an hour! He didn't care for what I had made, but I decided to carry it to the work party anyway. Maybe someone would like it.
Saturday rolls around and I'm up early cooking and cleaning again! So, I finish my cooking and shower and get ready to head out to the work party I had to go to. After a couple of various stops we had to make, we were about 30 minutes later than planned getting to the boss's very nice house. The party was fun, and I think even my husband had a good time. I entered my "nut crack", as the guys refer to my spiced pecans, into the cooking contest. I won second place, so the hubby and I have dinner for two at Applebees. As a door prize I also won a pound of coffee from Starbucks. I was informed that the recipe from Friday night, Baked Cinnamon Crisps, was good. For exactly the reason Josh didn't care for it. Makes me happy I took it with me!
After leaving the boss's house shortly after 5 we headed out to hang out with our friends Shay and Dee. We spent 2.5 hours in their pool. It was a TON of fun. We ended up watching Batman Begins later in the evening. I slept through a bit of it though because I was a little tired. And all the time in the pool left my back in nasty shape. I was glad I had filled by painkiller prescription Friday night!
Sunday was the Pepper's Party at Dee's house. That was a blast even though there were only 5 folks there. Dee had gotten veggies and fruits and I brought stuff for a cheese tray. She also had little weenies. We had a fantastic time during the party, and I had fun getting everything set up with Dee. It was also a lot of fun to hang out with just girls. Normally we're overrun with guys!
Anyway, back at work this morning and we're a bit busy. One of our guys is on vacation this week and it's left us terribly short handed. I'm hoping that we are back to normal by tomorrow and not so busy!
Oh! And another minor inconvenience. I'm in two separate walking challenges right now. And I wear a pedometer to help me keep up with my walking. Apparently I lost my pedometer out at Dee's last night. Or possibly before I got there. I'm not terribly sure. All I know is that I'm lucky I knew were a cheapo one was at the house so I could have one for today! I'm hoping to find mine, but if not I guess I'll just have to replace it.
Posted by Cory at 12:16 PM 6 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
Economic Stimulation Package
Since I chose to do a direct deposit on my tax return this year the hubby and I got our economic stimuls check today. But I'm a bit concerned on it. I know that it is supposed to be money to help everyone out. But how is this going to affect my taxes next year? Am I going to have to pay taxes on it? Is it considered an advance on next year? I'm actually scared to spend all of it.
I know that it is supposed to be "free" money, but I don't actually trust the IRS. Is that a bad thing???
Posted by Cory at 12:12 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I had PLANNED to post a book review today for Colette Gale's new book Master. But I haven't been able to get it yet. Oh well. I'll something else instead... (And I'll get the book ordered this weekend!)
I'm attending a work cookout on Saturday and have volunteered to bring something along the appetizer/dessert line. I say it that way because I'm planning to make two different things, and I think they could qualify for both. The first is some seasoned nuts that my friends LOVE. Although I'm going to make them with slightly different spices. I'll let you know how those turn out this time. The other is a recipe I found on SparkPeople that I've wanted to try. It's called Baked Cinnamon Crisps. You cover tortillas in butter, cinnamon, and sugar then bake them until they are crisp. It will be interesting to see how it turns out.
This morning I decided to make my own character sheet for a DnD character I'm playing right now. I decided to set it up in Excel and have it calculate everything for me. That took a fair chunk of my morning at work. Which is a good thing because it's been a little slow. But it's cool because I have it set up where if I change one thing, it changes everything that is affected by that for me. Pretty cool huh? And if for some reason I misplace my character sheet, no biggie. I can just print it out at work again. The sucky thing, we're not playing tonight because the DM has a big deadline at work. :( But at least I can use the time to work on my cooking for the party on Saturday!!!
Well, I'm off to check up on all y'all. Have a great day!
Posted by Cory at 1:07 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I have the Wild Words from Wild Women daily calendar sitting on my desk at work. I do not keep up to date on it. However, today I decided to get it up to date. It was still showing March 3rd. And, I thought I would share today's quote because I looked over and it struck me as funny.
"Just saying 'no' prevents teenage pregnancy the way 'Have a nice day' cures chronic depression."
-Faye Wattleton, past president of Planned Parenthood
There was another awesome one that I read, I forgot the date, but I'm not sharing it yet. :) I'm holding it out for a book review I'll be posting as soon as I get the book.
Y'all have a fantastic day!
Posted by Cory at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday Weigh In
Well, being completely and totally broke was good for one thing this week, I lost 2 pounds! I guess not eating out is a bigger thing than I had thought!
Ok, so I knew it was having an effect. I just didn't realize it was that much! Because that is the only thing I did different. I've been exercising just the same. Walking is almost all that I do. I'm doing a light strength training program, but nothing major. I'll be kicking that up in the next few weeks and doing more.
That 2 pounds this week was a nice thing though. It really makes me feel like I can accomplish my goals this year. I'm now three pounds down for the year with only 19 to go to hit my goal for the year. I still hope to blow it out of the water, but I want to keep things simple and achievable. And I do know that it will take effort and work on my part.
Well, even while I'm not doing a ton of commenting, I have been reading everyone's blogs. I promise I'm not ignoring you! Everyone seems to be doing fantastic. And now I'm off for something work or something.....
Posted by Cory at 8:53 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
What a weekend!
I didn't accomplish ANYTHING.
I did go to my friend's graduation on Friday afternoon. He was one of the last to walk. It was cool though.
I spent the entire weekend in pain. My back had started bothering me on Thursday afternoon, and Friday evening and Saturday were awful. I just sat at home miserable. :)
Luckily it was a little better on Sunday. Josh and I visited with his parents. We bought his mom a rose bush for Mother's Day. We watched the USA movie marathon, or at least the first two movies. I had never actually seen The First Wife's Club. It's actually a pretty good movie.
I called and catched with my mom, but we're not visiting them until June. With Mother's Day and Father's Day being so close together she asked my sister and I to just come in between the two and us celebrate them at the same time. Fine by me. I can't really afford the gas anyway!
I'm happy to say that my back is doing better today, but it's still not 100%. It's bothering me a bit. But at least I can survive work. One of my coworkers is out sick today. Which really sucked this morning. We had a LOT of calls this morning. Between teachers entering grades and students wanting to see their grades we didn't have a break!
Well, y'all have a great week!
Posted by Cory at 1:35 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 08, 2008
The Peril's of Work...
I've been a bit psyched lately because we had a new guy start at work. We've been seriously short handed since February, and short handed for a while before that. The guy had been working out pretty well. He was interested and able to talk about a lot of the stuff that is discussed in a helpdesk environment. IE, computers, video games, movies.
Well, while I was off work sick this Monday he apparently called in because his wife was sick and he had to carry her to the doctor. Then he didn't call in or show up Tuesday or Wednesday. My boss-type lady (I honestly don't know WHAT she really is...) finally heard from him this morning and apparently he's quit since the wife is sick.
I hate that he had to quit because he was a great guy. It made lunch time in the office a lot better. And if he had to quit, why couldn't it have waited until NEXT week. I have to skip work for a graduation ceremony tomorrow afternoon, and we're even more short handed on Fridays than the rest of the week.
Oh well. I'll probably just be working by myself for an hour while the other two folks in the office eat lunch. Not like I haven't done that before. And who knows, maybe someone will volunteer to do lunch at MY usual lunchtime of 11am. (I was going to have one of the guys go at 12 since both of them went at 1.)
Now I wonder if I'm the only one going to graduation tomorrow. It's one of my friends FINALLY graduating, and I don't know if any of our other friends that work for the university are taking off to go or not. If it's just me that will still be cool, but a little lonely. Graduations are boring!
Posted by Cory at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Wednesday Weigh In
I lost a half pound this past week. I'm feeling good about that, and hoping for another half pound this week. I know that's not much, but small goals to start with. I'm trying to turn everything back around!
Posted by Cory at 9:30 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Iron Man
I went with some friends to see Iron Man Saturday afternoon.
Awesome movie. Everyone should see it a couple of time!
I would say that this is the best comic book adaptation I have seen.
I also found this awesome post about the movie on Holly Black's livejournal that I thought I would share....
Posted by Cory at 9:01 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen Book Series I Collect (in no particular order)
1. The Cynster Novels by Stephanie Laurens
2. The Bastion Club by Stephanie Laurens
3. The Casebook of Barnaby Adair by Stephanie Laurens
4. The Gardella Chronicles by Colleen Gleason
5. The Dark Series by Christine Feehan
6. Ghost Walkers by Christine Feehan
7. The Drake Sisters by Christine Feehan
8. The Mercedes Thompson Series by Patricia Briggs
9. The Black Dagger Brotherhood by J. R. Ward
10. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
11. Dark Hunters by Sherrilyn Kenyon
12. The Drakon Books by Shana Abe
13. The Merry Gentry Series by Laurell K. Hamilton
Posted by Cory at 10:52 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wednesday Weigh In
Well, this week I gained .5, but I don't care. The information I posted yesterday overpowers that little gain.
I decided to do something nice for me today. I woke up this morning and hemmed up the capris I bought nearly a month ago. Then I decided to wear them to work today since I managed to finish hemming them up.
And just had a wardrobe malfunction. They came with this really cute silver and black belt. When I went to unhook the belt I managed to break the hook. Who puts a plastic hook on a chain belt???
Posted by Cory at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Fitness Assessment
So, it's no real news to anyone that I haven't done very well weight-wise since the beginning of February. I lose a little, then gain it back. Over and over. Today marked the end of the Biggest Winners program at work. The program I did next to nothing for really. (I probably won't do it again simply because the times never work out for me!)
Anyway. One of the things is meaurements and body fat calculation. Since Feb . 6th, I've lost 13 inches total from shoulders to hips. My arms and thighs didn't see any differences. And my body fat went down to 35.6%, that's a 4.1 drop!
That being said, I guess I can't be too upset that I haven't lost anything pound-wise. Those numbers are great! I wasn't expecting any major changes in any of them.
Posted by Cory at 11:30 AM 3 comments
Frostbite by Richelle Mead
Posted by Cory at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Book Reviews
Friday, April 25, 2008
I'm back, and I mean it this time...
I really am coming back to my blog. I promise. Considering at this point I've managed a total loss of 1 pound for the year, I think I need this. I probably won't be here every day, but I'm making a goal of coming and posting 2-3 times a week.
And I will be catching up with all my old blogging buddies too. I've missed y'all like crazy lately. I probably won't read full backlogs considering I've been out of touch all year, but I will be by everyone's page in the next couple of weeks. I need y'all to help keep me in line.
So I had joined Tigerlilly's walking challenge. As of April 21st I had put in 65 miles (at the end of the day). That's certianly not as much as I had hoped for, but life has been busy.
This has actually been my most stressful semester in school for a while. One of my classes is "figure it out on your own" in how we learn everything. That has driven me crazy. Between that, getting my wisdom teeth pulled, being two people short at work for 2-3 months, and beins sick a few times, I've been stressed something awful. But I'm finished with one class (hopiing for a B in it), and only have one lecture and my final left in my sociology class. Then I'm done with school until May 27th.
I donated blood yesterday. I was proud of myself for not passing out this time. Too bad I almost had a panic attack waiting for the guy to hook me up. I seriously hate needles. Anyway, the guy waited twenty minutes after I sat down to start doing everything on me. But I made it through and I was proud of myself.
Well, that's all for now. I'm going to see about doing some other stuff and maybe catch up on a few bloggers this afternoon!
Posted by Cory at 10:13 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
New Me!!!
Okay, so it's not really a new me, but I look a little different. I finally have contacts again. It's been over a year since I wore them. I took off a hour this afternoon to go be "fitted" for them. ie, I put them in and she made sure I could see. I have to go back in a week for her to check the fit.
Now that I'm back at work everything on my computer seems bigger. I actually checked the resolution because I thought someone had changed it while I was gone.
Anyway, I'm very happy about this new development. I'm wearing a pair of cheapo extra sunglasses right now, but I hope to buy some in a couple of weeks.
Posted by Cory at 2:44 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Wednesday/Week's News
I've had several somewhat interesting things in my life lately. I might actually get around to telling y'all about some of it in detail later.Right now, I've just got some higlights.
I weighed in at WeightWatchers yesterday. I had gained 1.5 lbs, but that's ok. It's still a 1.5 loss for two weeks and I'm happy with that. And considering I weighed in the week before in pjs, it evens out.
I went for an eye exam yesterday. I'll get my trial contacts in about a week. And although the doctor didn't say anything about it, I've apparently developed an astigmatism. I saw the code circled on my chart while the lady was putting the stuff in the computer for me to pay. I thought that was kinda interesting. I wonder if it's one eye or both??? I'll ask when I go back I guess.
My husband had applied for a new job, but didn't get it. They decided half-way through the interview process that they wanted something different than what they originally asked for, so Josh didn't fit their needs anymore. We're kinda pissed because he cut his hair for that interview. (He's been growing it out since right after we got married nearly 2 years ago!)
We went to the Taste of Chaos concert last Saturday in Biloxi. It was cool although the filler bands sucked for the most part. The three J-Rock groups were awesome though and the bought cds for MUCC and D'Espairs Ray. I REALLY liked them. I have discovered that I'm old though. I was perfectly content to just sit in the stands from beginning to end, except for getting the cds signed.
Well, that's the highlights. I'm off to give my eyes a break from the computer if work will allow for it! Y'all have a fantastic day!
Posted by Cory at 9:48 AM 3 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
And around she goes!
I actually lost 3 lbs this past week. So I'm almost to where I was at the end of February. I hope to lose at least 1 lb by next Wednesday's weigh in so I can at least consider March a break even. I'm not ready to post a gain for a month yet. I had hoped to get below 200 this month, but that just wasnt' to be. I'm not letting it bother me though. I'll just do in it April instead!
So I actually logged into my facebook account today and saw a LONG list of requests. I never log in unless I get an e-mail saying someone has poked me, or requested me as a friend, or whatever. So I accepted a few request and logged off. I just never got into that or myspace. Oh well.
I've done some walking with Tigerlilly's challenge, but nothing like what I should have. I've been suffering from a leg cramp since before Easter. Luckily that is clearing up. Wednesday morning I woke up with major back pain. I stayed at home that day. I spent most of the morning unable to stand up straight. I'm much better today and hope to be at full strength on the walking challenge next week. 2 hours or 6 miles a day. I think I can do that, although it won't be easy!!!
Well, I'm gonna slip off now. I might do a little work, or figure out what book I'm reading next. Y'all have a great weekend!
Posted by Cory at 9:42 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Turning Around...
So, I stayed the same this week instead of gaining again, so things are finally turning around for me. Hopefully next week will show a loss of some small amount. I certainly going to try for it. I hope it goes well...
I'm starting a new 3 month journal on WW this week. This is my way of putting the past few weeks behind me and moving forward.
On the exercise note, Tigerlilly is starting an awesome walking challenge. Go check out the blog, see if you're interested in participating. It's just walking, and it's at your own pace. Sounds like it will be fun, and it starts on Monday!
Well, I'm off to hopefully finish up a couple of things before the end of the work day. (And figure out what I can eat for 6 points tonight!!!!)
Posted by Cory at 3:34 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
Back to it!
I hate coming to work on Mondays. And this one has been ridiculous! It's Spring Break, so there aren't many students around the univ. And there are very few faculty members here as well. But we've been fairly busy all morning. Well, at least for the first 1.5 hours. After that we've slowed down to or normal activity level, but not our normal Spring Break.
The weekend wasn't too terrible. I got some exercise in. I don't think I've lost any weight this week though. Hopefully it's just my usual paranoia though and I'll be surprised Wednesday.
Friday night was anime night. We watched the first 6 episodes of Fushigi Yuugi. I've seen it before, but it's new to all our friends. Since I haven't seen it in 2 years, I'm enjoying watching it again. Although I don't know if we will be meeting to watch this Friday or not. Depends on who all is available.
Saturday night we met up with some friends to do what was probably going to be a one-off dnd game with pre-gen characters. We were going through the Tomb of Horrors to honor Gygax. We were a slightly overpowered party with too much magic, level 9 characters. The four magic users survived the first fight. All characters without magic had died. 1 to a trap, the others in the fight. We decided to slip out of the dungeon, reincarnate the characters, and we'll play again later. Although the druid will not be getting her ape animal companion back. I'm the cleric myself, and it's an experience since I've never played a cleric before. The druid and I are playing to die. We are seeing how long it takes us to kill our characters without doing something incredibly stupid. It would be easier if we were melee characters...
Sunday I sat at home. I did up a tutorial for work on your new e-mail system. I have to do the calendar portion of the new system sometime today. I think I'll wait until after lunch to start on it though...
Y'all have a great week!
Posted by Cory at 10:25 AM 3 comments
Friday, March 07, 2008
"Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution." Dr. David Schwartz
Note: The time has come to start truly believing in yourself! Believe with all of your heart and all of your mind. Keep saying, "I can do it" and make up your mind, You'll do it if you want it bad enough. You will find a way to complete your goals set before you.
Diet, exercise, family problems, Bill payments...
It doesn't matter...
If you want to complete the task... S
et your mind to it and do it! Don't let the little "No" word get in the way... Replace it with "I Will" or "I must" and follow through! It's all up to you... I can do it...
Posted by Cory at 9:27 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Fat Days
Well, sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Just haven't really had something I wanted to say.
I've had a couple of fat days. Friday and Monday in particular. I didn't really think much of it. I just felt fat those two days. I have days like that occassionally and don't let them get to me. I figure it's part of the journey.
Well, what actually happened this time is this: I gained back all 3 lbs I managed to lose in February. So I guess I'll have to work a little harder this month. I'm not going to let this set me back. I WILL end this month with a loss, even if it's only a half pound. I am determined and I can do it.
Posted by Cory at 10:10 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Another One
So, today was yet another weigh in morning when I was CONVINCED I gained.
Instead, I lost another 2.5 lbs. That puts me at a 35 lb loss, another star on my bookmark when I get home, and a weight I haven't hit yet.
My goal for March is to get into the 100s and STAY THERE. Although, I won't be too terribly disappointed if I don't manage to stay there. I know that I do bounce around a lot in every 5 lb block before it fully goes away.
Posted by Cory at 9:08 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Weigh In
I was floored this morning at WW. As I mentioned in my previous post, I was hoping for a maintain this week. (The idea of weight more than I started the year out at was in the very back of my mind bugging me a bit.)
I lost 3 lbs. That's almost all of my gain from the previous week, AND it puts me at a .5 loss for the month. So I'm still on track for my hopes of posting a loss every month. I hope I can keep this us.
And, there will be an amazing sky tonight. Check out the details and make some time!
Posted by Cory at 9:00 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Been Away Again...
I've been away from my blog for a few days because I got disgusted with myself. While I was working on recovering from getting my wisdom teeth removed I managed to gain back all the weight I had lost this year! Errr.... I know it's mostly from being so limited on what I could eat. And I haven't let it get to me a whole lot, just enough to not want to discuss it!
If I've maintained this week I'll be thrilled, to be honest. I still haven't had the best diet, and I haven't gotten in much exercise either, to be frank about it. But, this week I'm back to walking to work again. And while my jaw and all is still sore, it's nothing like it was. So if I'm feeling like it, I might hit a bike at the gym tonight. However, I have my first sociology test tomorrow at 5pm, so I will probably just go home. But I'll be get in a decent amount of walking by going home for lunch and walking for a couple of other errands I have in the area. And if Josh isn't around I just might pop in Yourself!Fitness and start that over again. It's been so long since I did it I'm going to start from scratch I think instead of using my previous profile.
I had an essay due in my sociology class yesterday. I got out my laptop to do my research on it at 9:30 Sunday night. The one source I had found previously and liked, I couldn't find again. I had told the site to send me a link to it, but the link was broke when I pulled up the e-mail. I worked on it until 1:15 Monday morning, and spent a couple of hours at work yesterday afternoon proofreading and doing a bit of revising. I have a feeling that this might end up being my drop grade for the essays. But who knows, maybe I will have done better than I think. Luckily, I take awesome lecture notes, especially in this class, so I should be good for study material tonight. And I feel good about the notes I take because I was able to send the document (I type my notes after class, Yes, I am a geek...) to an old neighbor who has missed more class than she made it to so far. She's having some health problems, and luckily the prof is going to work with her on the first essay and most likely the test. I was happy she got suck good news from him on that. He appears to be an awesome guy. I just need to start working on his essay assignments earlier!
Well, it's almost time for my lunch break. I should probably get a tad bit of work done. :)
Posted by Cory at 10:36 AM 1 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
Joy sent this to me this morning and I thought I would share it with all y'all.
Sorry I haven't been really blogging lately. I just haven't really felt up to it lately. I have been going to a lot of blogs and reading though, even if I haven't been leaving many comments.
So, I'm sorry if y'all miss my posts and comments. I promise I haven't jumped off a bridge, just haven't felt all that talkative lately. (Something about my continuing pain drama from the oral surgeon maybe...)
Posted by Cory at 8:45 AM 4 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Thanks to everyone for all the get wells and such. To be honest, it's been downhill since my last post. The pain pills the doc gave me are a joke. They don't even begin to touch the ache in my jaws. I can honestly say that my back doesn't hurt though!
Yesterday the hubby and I drove up to my sister's for my niece's birthday party. My brother-in-law let me take some of his pain pills since mine weren't working. I didn't hurt very much after that. Too bad the doc didn't give me that prescription!I can honestly say that I have been incredibly grouchy lately. I actually surprised some of my family. Not only because I was actually there yesterday, but because I wasn't killing anyone. I was on my best behavior while there.
Now I'm back home and I'm going to let how I'm feeling out a bit. I really for sorry for my hubby. He's been really good putting up with me.
Well, I'm off to be grouchy for a while. Y'all have a great rest of the weekend!!!!
Posted by Cory at 1:48 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 07, 2008
And it's done
The surgery wasn't too bad. Josh and I got to the office before any of the employees. So we sat in the car for about ten minutes then went in. I was a bit sleepy. I normally try to be for things like this. Makes me go under quicker. It's not uncommon for me to fall asleep BEFORE I'm given the sleepy stuff.
So, I talked to the nurse, and to Dr. Thames for a couple of minutes. He's the best at giving an IV that I've experienced, even if he did want to do it at the elbow. (I perfer my hand.)So I dozed off and they did whatever. I do remember them covering the top of my head and eyes.
I woke up while he was working on the last one. I remember him telling the nurse that it was always the last one that was the most difficult. It felt kinda funny whatever he was doing. Then I dozed off to let them finish. I'm not sure if he even knew I woke up. (I wake up during my RFDs when I get them too! They feel really funny and it amusing the doc!)
So, they wheeled me out to the car. I think I amazed the nurse when I pulled out my book afterwards and started reading while we watched for Dr. Thames to come back out and talk to me before letting me go.
I had a couple of prescriptions to pick up so Josh and I went to Wal-Mart and went window shopping while we waited. I was surprised by how cheap that visit was. It was kinda funny trying to tell me info to the pharmacist considering I had gause in my mouth. But I got the rest of my niece's birthday present, ice cream, and a movie to watch later.I have to keep ice on my jaws for 12-24 hours. Thank goodness I finally got a scarf last year or that would be a little difficult.
Anyway, I think I might take a nap now. I didn't sleep very well last night! Y'all have a great day.
Posted by Cory at 10:41 AM 3 comments
Today is the day!
I'm so nervous this morning. I have to be at the oral surgeon's office at 7:45, and I don't really want to go. Why can't my wisdom teeth just magicly disappear from my mouth? That would make life better. The only good thing about this is two days off work, although I'm not going to really enjoy them!I think I would rather just stay home and pretend I got it done. Too bad the dentist would kick my butt if I did that. And he's bigger than me so I guess I do have to go through with it.Well, off to get ready! Y'all have a great day!
And Joy, I better not hear that you skipped your appointment either!
Posted by Cory at 6:45 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Today's Update
I lost another pound! I was happy. I wasn't really expecting anything that nice. That puts me at 1 pound for February, 3.5 for 2008, and 33.5 total lost. I'm feeling good about this.
What did I do this week that helped? I tracked. I have my food and activity written in my WW journal for every day last week. I didn't get much exercise in, but I did get in a little. I had 8 flexies left at the end of the week. I feel great about that. It means if I miscalculated something during the week there were a few points left to account for it.
I signed up for the Biggest Winners program at school again. There wasn't a great turn out this time. One team signed up, and 9 individuals signed up for the program. That's only 14 people total. But I'm honestly doing it for the body fat calculations and measurements at the beginning and end of the program. Afterwards I might have to see what it costs to just get them to do that. Then not do the program again. Just pay to get the measurements done every 3-4 months. It's the body fat analysis that I'm really interested in from them. (Technically, I CAN do my own measurements!) And the program costs $50 each time.
Well, off to do the work thing maybe. Y'all have a great week!
Posted by Cory at 9:18 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
I've started getting nervous about going to the oral surgeon on Thursday. It's funny, I never get nervous about my epiderals. (And the doctor told me that if he messed up on that I might not walk again!) So why am I so nervous about getting my wisdom teeth cut out?
I have no clue. I'm just doing my best not to think about it since I'm having issues apparently. I really want this over with!
Posted by Cory at 4:22 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 04, 2008
I've finally seen some signs of progress, and I am THRILLED!
Yesterday I wasn't sure what I wanted to wear to the inlaws' for the Super Bowl. I was standing in my closet and decided that while I was thinking about that I would see how much more I had to lose to fit in my size 18 capris.
I tried them on at the end of November. One pair was given to me by a friend and the others I had bought at Thanksgiving (yes, a size smaller than would fit then. They didn't have them in a 20!) I had about a 1.5-2 inch gap when I attempted to fasten them.
So, I pulled out one pair to see what the gap looked like now when I pulled them togather in an attempt to fasten them. Surprisingly enough, no gap! I was able to fasten them. While standing up. Without sucking my gut in as far as possible. I contined to try on two pair of size 18 khakis that were laying in the same stack. It had been even longer since I tried these on. They both fit as well. One pair I'm leaving out of the rotation because the zipper likes to unzip itself and these pants are a little tight. The others I wore yesterday. It was nice to find I could wear them now. Especially considering I haven't felt successful on the weight loss front lately. They are still a tad tighter than I like, but they fasten and I can breathe. It's a nice feeling. I still have two or three more pair of khakis in that size that I didn't try on. I might try them tonight...
Posted by Cory at 1:00 PM 5 comments
Friday, February 01, 2008
I haven't made it to the gym at all this week. I've been a bit sick, and I'm trying not to overwork myself. I've driven to work everyday, but I did walk at lunch today to do some errands.
I'm planning a slow weekend to help me get over whatever has me sick. I'll just stick around home. This will probably be a good thing. I need to do a fair amount of homework this week. And some laundry!
I hope that everyone is doing well, and sorry for the somewhat short and boring post. Have a great weekend!
Posted by Cory at 4:40 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
New Ticker...
I've decided that my weight loss goal for the year is going to be small and simple. I'll be happy with losing another 10% of my weight this year, and preferrably getting out of the obese category. To that end I have created a new ticker and put it at the bottom of my blog. (Two tickers at the top got a little annoying since you HAD to scroll down to actually see a post!)
The new ticker I created takes me from my 2 January 2008 weigh in to 185.5 pounds. Thats a 22 pound loss, just 1.5 pounds over 10%.
While I sincerly hope that I stay on track and do better than this, I want to keep my goal low and simple. That's slightly less than I lost between 7 February 2007 and 2 January 2008 (23.5). I would have looked as far a January, but that was what I could see when I checked my total tracker record. If I make it that low, I should be able to make it. However, I hope that I break it fairly early and get to expand on it.
Now, the cool thing about this low goal that I only realized over two hours after making it and deciding to tell the world, is that this breaks down to only a 1.95 pound per month loss. So I'm well on my way to meeting it with a 2.5 pound loss for January! Now I just have to keep this up for the next 11 months!
Posted by Cory at 12:58 PM 3 comments
An Unexepected Surprise
I lost 3 pound this week.
I was shocked speachless at weigh in. I was expecting a gain! I was expecting the gain so much, that I did a couple of things to even ENSURE it this morning, so this was really spectacular!
1. I wore a pair of different pants. The only other time I have worn these to weigh in I posted a gain. I'm also fairly certain these weigh more than the pants I usually wear. (I was planning to wear the usual ones, but didn't see them this morning.
2. I weighed in at the OTHER scale at the WW center this morning. I have NEVER shown a loss weighing in at this scale. Although I know they weigh the same. I usually weigh at the other one because I prefer the lady that mans it.
One of the reasons I actually expected a gain was that I went a bit off base this week. Never very far at a time, but I did this often. I was going to go to the gym last night to make sure the gain wasn't too bad, but I was sick yesterday. And I guess the decision to carry my own supper to my DnD game on Saturday night instead of eating pizza was a good idea. I also felt good knowing that I wasn't the only one deciding against pizza! (Another girl in our group is doing Weight Watchers online and she and her beau had hit one of the sandwich shops on their way into town. Also, my best friend Dee had a big salad instead of pizza.)
Well, I hope everyone is having a great week!
Posted by Cory at 9:26 AM 2 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
Dear Me...
Or You.
Amanda, over at What about your hips, wrote a wonderful post earlier this week.
She wrote herself a long letter asking what was wrong with her and telling herself that she could go on. This is a letter that could easily be addressed to anyone, especially myself. That being the case, I really wanted to share it with all of you.
Go check it out!
Posted by Cory at 2:25 PM 1 comments
Roni's New Contest
Check out Roni’s new contest! I can win a Nutrition Smart Scale from Eat Smart and so can you! Click here for details!
Go over and check it out. And, even if you don't have a blog you can still enter!!!
Posted by Cory at 12:32 PM 0 comments
More Wardrobe Issues...
Because I moved to a slightly warmer climate from where I grew up, I haven't bought, or really worn, any heavier sweaters for a while. All the ones I have are from highschool. Today, since it's been cold, I decided to wear one of my old sweaters.
When I got to the office a coworker jokingly asked me when I was due. This sweater is huge on me! (It was probably a bit big in high school too. I used to wear my clothes loose to cover up the fact that I was fat. Yeah, like you couldn't tell anyway!)
So, now I will have to go through and clear out several of my old sweaters. Most of them are in fairly good condition, but they are too big. I kinda dread going through them to be honest. I love sweaters (even if I don't live in a climate to wear them anymore!). The only good thing I can come up with this is that I will be freeing up a decent chunk of space in my second closet. (It's a small closet, but the sweaters completely fill it up!)
I will see about donating them to a used stuff store up in Tupelo, MS, that runs to support veterans, probably. Who knows, I might even manage to come up with enough between that and some other stuff to itemize for my taxes come next tax season...
Posted by Cory at 8:41 AM 2 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008
Good Thing...
I didn't make a new years resolution to be a good blogger. I have done an awful job so far. But it has been an busy year for me already.
Classes are alright so far. My sociology teacher is interesting and my MIS teacher is making kus study DOS.
I sprained my ankle Wed night. I get to blame it on a friend of mine because I was looking for an old textbook for him at the time! He did say he was sorry though. I was rather surprised by that.
Well, I gotta finish up with work. Talk to y'all later!
--OH, and I lost 2 pounds this week.
Posted by Cory at 4:21 PM 6 comments
Friday, January 11, 2008
Quickie Update
I have faithfully tracked everything since my weigh in on Wednesday morning. And I only went over on my points one day. So I STILL have 34 extra points left for the week. That's an achievement for me. Now I just have to keep it up throughout the weekend!
I went to the dentist yesterday afternoon. Surprisingly I didn't have any cavaties. I hadn't been to the dentist in over a year! However, I have an appointment with an oral surgeon on Tuesday to talk about my wisdom teeth. The dentist thinks I should have them taken out this year sometime. I figured there was no sense in waiting. So we'll see when the oral surgeon wants to do it.
We found out last night that a good friend's mother passed away. She apparently had a heart attack, although I don't know any real details yet. I'm sure he will call and let us know as soon as the arrangements have been made. We'll probably be heading down to the coast at some point this weekend to see him and his dad. I woudl appreciate it if you could keep him family in your thoughts.
Well, I had better get back to work. We've been crazy busy this week. Y'all have a wonderful weekend!
Posted by Cory at 3:41 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
I gained either 1.5 or 2 pounds this week. The nice WW lady forgot to write the info in my weigh in book, and I wasn't paying all that much attention at the time to what she was writing in my folder. She was a bit busy this morning. There were at least 10 people there to weigh in when they opened. There's usually one 4 or 5, and I was the only one that is normally there. The rest were people I didn't recognize.
I plan to hit the gym tonight. I'll probably just hit a bike for a while. It's time that I get back to going though. I haven't been going for a while, and I need to. Exercise is good for me, so I should take advantage of my gym membership. Josh has Aikido tonight, so I will probably go with him. I'll take a book with me. That way I have something to actually do while I'm on the bike.
Otherwise things are going fairly well. I'm surviving my return to work and have already picked up my school books for the semester. Or, at least, the ones I know about.
Back to work now. Talk to y'all later!
Posted by Cory at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Happy New Year!
Sorry I haven't been around. I got online twice over the holiday. Once to check my mail and once to look up something for a DnD character. I decided that I needed the time away from a computer.
I had a really good holiday. I got new clothes. Which I desperately needed. I even lost a half pound the week of Christmas! I stayed the same this week though.
I never did get my Christmas cards in the mail. So I'm sending them out tomorrow ( or the next day) as Happy New Year! cards. Life just got a bit away from me and they never got finished. I feel bad about it. Oh well. I'm not perfect.
Now I had better get back to work. Nearly two weeks off makes things a bit busy!
Posted by Cory at 12:28 PM 4 comments