Well, I weighed in at lunch. Stayed the same. But that's ok. I deserved it. I actually deserved worse. But it will be much better this week. The DH and I are BROKE. So we can't eat out. I'll just have to cook everyday. I think that is pretty cool. Forced to cook. Although I don't have a clue what I'll be cooking. I know tonight is tenderloin and tomorrow is pork chops. I just don't know about after that.
I scored today on something else though. A lady in one of the capmus organizations gave me the textbook for one of the classes I'm taking in the spring. That saves me $50 on the spring semester. All I will have to purchase is an online course code that I can get cheap from the publisher. That perked up my mood a bit. Save the Money!!! Save the Money!!!
10 minutes ago
maintaining is just as important as losing.. so YEAH!! Forced to cook?? I love cooking... but probably because it gives me a good excuse to leave the kids with their dad and have some quiet time in the kitchen.
Good for you for maintaining your weight.
And yaaay about saving the money for the book.
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