Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Weigh In Day

Well, I lost another pound!!! Not quite to my 10% yet, but getting closer. My little weekend snackies didn't exactly do good thing for my weight loss this week. But that's ok. Josh finished those off so I'm safe again. The scale was actually messed up at the center, but we got it fixed up. Which is too bad. It had said I lost 4 pounds instead of 1. But better it be correct now than correct next week and wrong today!

I feel good today though. I finished The Good Guy by Dean Koontz last night. It was an AWESOME book. I really enjoyed it and almost wanted to read it again immediately. It had a really clean feel to it that attracted me. I'm much more used to his older books, which never had a clean, crisp feel to the words. This one is definitely worth reading if you have a little time! (And the hero will surprise you!)

Well, I hope that everyone has a wonderful day. I don't really have anything else to talk about now!


Unknown said...

Congrats on the 1 lb lost! Im afraid to get on the scale hasn't moved in awhile, LOL!

Fatinah said...

awesome job loosing that pound missy! Woo hoo

Amazon Alanna said...

Congrats on the loss!

Koontz is fabu...I recently finished listening to the first book in his Frankenstein series: Prodigal Son. It was quite good.


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