Wow, me doing two posts in a day. This doesn't happen often, but I remembered stuff.
I had gained a pound today. It doesn't bother me though. I can live with it. And it should be gone next week if I keep up my workouts.
I logged 16,587 steps yesterday by the time I factor in my water aerobics class. That's TWICE my previous max since I started wearing the pedometer. Luckily the WOMAN challenge I'm participating in had a chart for converting some activities to steps.
I went home for lunch and did some chores. I took out the trash, loaded the dishwasher, and straightened up the freezer. And realized just how badly I need to go grocery shopping. But our balance in the checking account is $18. But Josh gets paid on Friday, and as long as he remembers to deposit his check at lunch we should be able to go shopping that evening. At least I have hamburger meat in the fridge so I can cook some supper! I even left the car at home and walked back to work. I know that's the only way I will hit my 5,000 step goal today.
I think that might be it for today. Y'all have a great afternoon and stuff!
56 minutes ago
Good job getting in your steps!
Hopefully your back is feeling better ASAP!
Wow! You're logging a lot of steps! Way to go!
Well done leaving the car. It takes a lot of determination to take the tougher road and not take the easy route all the time.
Don't dwell on the 1lb up! The month is just starting - lets concentrate on your goals and see by the end of the month what results you have! I bet you do brilliant.
Wow! That's a lot of steps! Good for you. I hope your back is feeling better soon!
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