Yesterday went fairly well. I'm still on target.
I have a Christmas dinner at one of the local steak houses tonight. I'll have left overs for tomorrow.
I have finished the important Christmas shopping now. All I have left is to pick up some stuff for a few friends, and those gifts can be gift cards. And, actually, some of them WILL be gift cards.
Hope everyone else is having a good start to the holiday season!
2 hours ago
Good luck at the holiday dinner! I have one more person to shop for... then I'm DONE!
ugh... your WAY ahead of me. I only have ONE person taken care of.... I have LOTS of shopping to do , but no money. I hate the holidays. I never have enough money!
have a great time at the christmas party!
I am having a bad start, but I am going to get this under control. Good for your for having everything under control.
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