Sunday, February 01, 2009

Back to the Real World

I'm recovering from a 2+ day migraine that took me out of commission for the end of last week. Totally sucked. But, I'm down to a mild headache now, and work tomorrow shouldn't be too big a deal.

With the migraine, the diet went to hell. Ok, not THAT bad, but I wasn't really worried about anything other than getting a few calories here and there. I ate out more than I have been because I didn't feel like cooking. I'm glad that I'm past that though. I just have to figure out what I'm cooking for dinner tommorrow! At least I went shopping yesterday and have more food to cook. We were getting low on some items.

I'm going to focus on exercise this next week. I really don't think I've been doing enough. And I'm going to try and make it into the gym, but we'll see how that goes!

Well, since I haven't been watching the Super Bowl anyway, I think I'll go do a little homework. It's time to start thinking about those assignments. They don't do themselves, unfortunately!


Twisted Cinderella said...

I am sorry that you had been suffering! That really sucks.


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