Monday, January 04, 2010

Sick for the Holidays...

I've been sick for the entire holiday. Luckily, after a second doctor's visit this morning I'm beginning to feel better.

Other than being sick I have greatly enjoyed the holiday. The break wasn't fun, but I did get to see the family. That I did appreciate.

I got my netbook and I ADORE it! I'm still getting used to the keyboard though. The tab and shift buttons are pretty tiny, so I'm still having some issues with typing quickly. But I do love it. It doesn't have any 'cool' colors or special designs on it. Just a basic black box. It's SOO cool.

I've read a couple of good books too. Divine Misdeamonrs by Laurell K. Hamilton waqs really good. And I finally got my hands on Shifting Tides by Cassandra Curtis. It was everything I'd hope it would be and more.

And Momma bought me a book I had never heard of before. Ivy Cole and the Moon by Gina Farago. This was a fanatastic novel about a single werewolf in the South. And I hope I can get the sequel sometime in the future.



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