Monday, March 15, 2010

Busy Bee

I may have a week off work for Spring Break, but I'm still busy. I'll admit that I didn't do much of anything today (except get an oil change!) but I'm still sore from Saturday.

Saturday afternoon I bought 2 3-shelf bookcases for the living room. And I pulled EVERYTHING from one corner of the living room to clean and put in these cases. That portion of the room looks much better. One of the bookshelves replaced my side table beside the recliner. The table was never steady, and I needed the storage space. The other case is just inside the apartment door, where there used to be a black recliner. I moved that recliner to the other end of the couch to replace the folding chair that was full of junk. The first bookcase has a ton of books in it. The other bookcase has movies, video games, board games, and miscellaneous stuff. I still need some organizational work done in/on both shelves. But at least the stuff is not just piled on the floor anymore.

Tomorrow, after an early doctor appointment, I'll work in another portion of the living room. Saturday was almost all my stuff that was cleaned up. Tomorrow I will work on stuff that is mostly Josh's stuff. I'm thinking that another bookcase may be in order. While I know that 5-shelf bookcases are more space efficient, they don't work for the areas I have to currently but them. And something is better than nothing, right? Especially if it starts to get things in order!

I would love to work in the kitchen/dining room areas, but I won't have time for that. I need to box up all the kitchen stuff that I never use. This would give me space to store the things we use, such as the wok, the big skillet, the crockpot. As it is, all the cabinets are full of things that I never use. And I have several of the same size of some pieces of corning ware. Maybe I can work on that at Easter when I have a day off again.

Wednesday morning I leave to visit my parents for a few days. I'll drive up first thing in the morning. I'm meeting my sister for lunch on the way. Then Momma will have me until either late Saturday or early Sunday. I'm sure that she will keep me fairly busy while I'm there. It will be good to go up for an extended trip. Weekends just never leave time for everything. I just wish I had time to do more in the apartment before I left. I just didn't feel like working on it today. :)



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